Along with the thighs, upper arms are one of the parts of the body that are not permanently in view. A firm upper arm with slender contours contributes significantly to the overall appearance of the body. However, even young, athletic people can suffer from localised skin sagging and fat deposits in the area of the upper arms.
Excess skin, sagging tissue and wrinkles are found on the upper arm especially after massive weight loss or in cases of hereditary connective tissue weakness. Sagging upper arms often lead not only to aesthetic discomfort, but also to typical symptoms of discomfort with inflammatory changes in the excess skin folds due to rubbing of the inner side of the upper arm against the trunk, for example during physical activity.
In the case of a slightly pronounced shape, pure circular liposuction is sufficient. In this case, fat tissue is removed using a gentle method (vibration technique, Microaire®) and thus the upper arm is tightened.