As we age, the skin loses its natural elasticity and begins to sag and wrinkle. Likewise, as a result of severe weight loss, pregnancy or due to genetically weak connective tissue, skin sagging can occur even at a young age. J-Plasma is a promising skin tightening technology without additional scarring. With J-Plasma Renuvion®, internal skin tightening can be performed without external incisions.

How does J-Plasma work?
Renuvion© works with a plasma jet generated by combining radiofrequency energy and helium gas. This specifically tightens the subcutaneous fatty tissue from the inside. The scientifically proven effectiveness stands for a particularly gentle and effective method of skin tightening.
This technique is particularly suitable in cases of loss of skin elasticity, typically after massive weight loss or pregnancy (Mommy Makeover). Liposuction alone can only partially tighten the skin.
How does the operation take place?
If skin tightening alone is desired, the procedure can be performed on an outpatient basis in twilight sleep. In most cases, however, the J-Plasma treatment is combined with conventional liposuction (vibration technique, water jet technique). The advantage of additional skin tightening with J-Plasma is the lack of additional scarring as is necessary, for example, with a tightening operation.
In J-Plasma, the puncture holes (3-4mm in size) are used after regular liposuction. The procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia, but can be performed on an outpatient basis. The treatment lasts from 90 minutes to two and a half hours, depending on the body part.
When is a tightening operation with additional scarring necessary?
In the case of significant excess skin and pronounced skin folds, treatment with Renuvion® alone cannot achieve a satisfactory result. In this case, a skin tightening operation must be performed with the corresponding scarring. This must be examined individually as part of the preoperative consultation.
What do I have to consider before the operation?
To prepare the tissues, a manual lymphatic drainage rsp. endermology treatment is recommended before the procedure. The day before the procedure we will also give you a disinfectant solution. On the day of the treatment you should not apply any body lotion. In addition, you should refrain from taking blood thinning medications 10 days before the procedure.
Which regions are particularly suitable for skin tightening with Renuvion®?
- Neck and double chin
- Upper arms
- Back
- Belly
- Hips
- Thigh (outer / inner)
Can J-Plasma be combined with other surgeries?
J-Plasma can also be performed in combination with skin tightening surgery (e.g. Tummy Tuck) or following HD liposuction using VASER technology. Likewise, J-Plasma can be performed in combination with autologous fat treatment.
What are the risks of J-Plasma?
The Renuvion® procedure is relatively low-risk. In rare cases, a temporary burning sensation or redness as well as slight hematomas may occur after treatment. Burns have been described very rarely.
What are the risks of J-Plasma?
The Renuvion® procedure is relatively low-risk. In rare cases, a temporary burning sensation or redness as well as slight hematomas may occur after treatment. Burns have been described very rarely.
What do I have to keep in mind after the operation?
After a few days of physical rest, you can usually return to your usual daily routine. After the operation you should wear the compression garment rsp. foam consistently for 8 weeks.
To improve skin tightening and decongestion, follow-up treatment with manual lymphatic drainage rsp. ultrasound treatment / radiofrequency treatment (see Exilis) or endermology is recommended, ideally 10-15 treatments twice a week.
In case of autologous fat treatment, no pressure or movement should be applied to the treated area. Also, the transplanted areas should not be subjected to ultrasound or radiofrequency treatment or endermology.
You should exercise 5-6 times a day after the procedure and drink enough water. Thrombosis prophylaxis (compression stockings, thrombosis injection) is recommended for 10 days after the procedure.
When will I see the result?
It usually takes 6 months for the final result until the swelling is completely gone.
What are the costs of skin tightening with Renuvion® / J-Plasma®?
In a personal consultation, we will be happy to make you an offer tailored to your individual needs. If desired, we can also discuss your financing options.