In men, breast enlargement to the female form can be unilateral or bilateral. Almost half of all men have a male breast. There are two types of male breast (gynaecomastia). True gynaecomastia is an increase in the size of the mammary gland.
False gynaecomastia (lipomastia) is an increase in fatty tissue. Mixed forms of male breasts are common. No man wants to have female breasts himself. Exercise, the right diet and medication or surgery can help get rid of man boobs.

Who are suitable for male breast surgery?
In principle, all men are eligible for treatment. Male breast surgery is a purely aesthetic correction.
The aesthetic problem of real male breasts often becomes a psychological burden. Anyone who suffers from this should seek advice from a plastic surgeon.
What is the most common cause of gynaecomastia?
In most cases, the exact cause is not entirely clear. Male hormone disorders or certain medications can be the cause of gynaecomastia.
Often gynaecomastia develops during puberty due to an enlargement of the existing mammary gland. Pseudogynaecomastia can be caused by obesity, with increased fatty tissue developing on the pectoral muscle and around the nipple.
False gynaecomastia (increase in fatty tissue)
False gynaecomastia is congenital or influenced by lifestyle. The enlarged male breasts are 90% due to overweight. If you are very overweight, fat is also deposited in the male breasts.
True gynaecomastia (enlargement of the mammary gland)
True gynaecomastia concerns the enlargement of the breast due to an increase in glandular tissue. Male breast growth can be either unilateral or bilateral.
Adolescent men with real gynaecomastia
Up to 65% of adolescent males are affected by gynaecomastia during puberty. Many boys’ breasts develop back later.
Adult men with true gynaecomastia
Among adult men, gynaecomastia affects 30 to 50%.
Is gynaecomastia painful?
In true gynaecomastia, the glandular tissue of the breast may be painful, associated with a feeling of tightness.
Is gynaecomastia dangerous?
This varies from individual to individual. A general anaesthetic is recommended for surgical removal of the glandular tissue of the breast.
What are the preliminary examinations for the male breast?
Hormonal clarifications should be carried out before an operation. You will also be asked about any medication you are taking or any known liver diseases. This is followed by further examinations with ultrasound of the breasts and testicles.
Surgery for false gynaecomastia?
In the case of false gynaecomastia, i.e. excess fatty tissue, liposuction alone using two small stitches per breast is sufficient. In the case of a pronounced male mammary gland, the incision is made in a crescent shape around the atrium and the mammary gland is surgically removed.
If necessary, liposuction is performed at the same time, or if desired, treatment with the patient’s own fat for a muscular appearance. The procedure can usually be performed on an outpatient basis.
What are the risks of removing the mammary glands?
Very rarely, postoperative bleeding, wound healing disorder or infection may occur. Temporary numbness is normal and will return to normal over the next few months.
The scar usually heals without problems and is hardly visible after a year.
Liposuction for man boobs
Liposuction is a good way to reduce unwanted male breasts and contour the silhouette in a correspondingly masculine way.
With a combined surgical removal of the enlargement of the mammary gland, the permanent improvement of the male breast can be achieved.
Is the procedure under local or general anaesthetic?
This varies from individual to individual. For surgical removal of the glandular tissue of the breast, a general anaesthetic is recommended. Liposuction is performed under local or general anaesthesia.
Is the procedure under local or general anaesthetic?
This varies from individual to individual. For surgical removal of the glandular tissue of the breast, a general anaesthetic is recommended. Liposuction is performed under local or general anaesthesia.
How long will I be unable to work and when will I be able to do sport again?
Patients are not unable to work for approx. 1-2 weeks. Physical activity, especially of the chest muscles, is allowed and even desired after 4 weeks.
What do I have to keep in mind after the operation?
After the operation you must take it easy, light physical activity is possible after a few days. To improve wound healing and the result, you must wear the compression garment consistently for 4 weeks.
Will the costs be covered by the health insurance?
Only in cases of extreme breast formation and pain will the health insurance fund cover the costs. The health insurance company is contacted in any case for questions about the costs.