Surgery in the genital area is a personal procedure and is still considered taboo. Nevertheless, the demand for labiaplasty rsp. reduction has increased significantly in recent years. Excessively large labia minora and/or labia majora can be visually and functionally very disturbing. The extent of the excess labia minora is classified according to the Franco classification in grade I – IV. A labia reduction or tightening can lead to a significant improvement in the quality of life.

How is labia reduction performed?
Our novel labia minora reduction technique was recently published in a prestigious plastic surgery journal. Specifically, it involves preservation of nerve supply with a cosmetically satisfactory result. This “butterfly” technique involves the removal of excess skin with a barely visible scar.
The majority of patients in this study were very satisfied with the results after the procedure, and most patients had an improved attitude to life and sex life after treatment.
Hypertrophy of the labia minora (inner labia)

In labial hypertrophy, one or both sides of the labia minora are larger than normal. It was classified by Franco into grades I-IV according to the protrusion of the labia minora by the labia majora: Grade I, less than 2 cm; Grade II, from 2 to 4 cm; Grade III, from 4 to 6 cm; and Grade IV, more than 6 cm.
Schematic representation of the surgical technique for reducing the labia (labiaplasty)

The most protruding part of each labia minora was fixed with a Vicryl 2/0 suture and the wedges to be removed are marked (A). The marked wedges were then deepithelialized and the neurovascular supply (blood supply and sensitivity) was maintained (B).
The upper pedunculated flap was sutured subcutaneously with Vicryl 4/0 in two layers and with single sutures to the posterior margin, preserving the darker corrugated labial margin (C).
What is the treatment procedure for labia reduction?
The operation is usually performed on an outpatient basis. The operation can be performed under local anaesthesia, twilight sleep or general anaesthesia and is determined individually in the consultation according to the patient’s wishes and the extent of the operation.
What are the risks of treatment?
The risks for this procedure are very rare overall and they are very treatable. Possible complications include wound healing problems, bruising, infection or excess scarring.
Is labia reduction painful?
The pain after the procedure is minimal and can be well controlled with painkillers for a few days after the procedure.
What do I have to keep in mind after the labia operation?
After the operation it is important to disinfect the wound twice a day. There is no need to remove the stitches after the operation as they are self-dissolving. Antibiotic treatment after the procedure is not necessary, but I recommend an antibiotic-containing ointment on the wound for 5-7 days. After two weeks you can slowly resume your sporting activities. Sexual intercourse is possible after six weeks.
Costs for a labia reduction ?
As the procedure is an aesthetic treatment, health insurance companies do not usually cover the treatments. The costs for a labia reduction start from CHF 5,500. An exact cost estimate can only be provided after a personal consultation.